Frid Jan 17th, 24th, 31st Labor Temple, Eureka FREE!
Thursday mornings 10am Arcata Playhouse, lasts about an hour. Only equipment needed is a towel. $15 per session or $50 for 4
Why Dart? Who Dart? Wherefore Dart thou? No….the Dart procedures are not the way to better your pub sports skills, it is a path to a personal practice for the quality of your own being.
So what exactly is it?
Professor Raymond Dart was an anthropologist and an anatomist born in Australia in 1893. He was famous for his identification of the Taung female, the first indication that human origins were African.
He suffered quite a lot of physical discomfort due to a debilitating spinal condition, and became interested in the Alexander Technique, a way of improving health through a practice of awareness and changing unhealthy habitual tension.
He received a great number of classes from Irene Tasker (and later a lesson from F.M. Alexander himself) but when he became isolated from Irene, he put his knowledge of anatomy and evolutionary biology together with his research into the development of neurology, which led Dart to the study of the embryological and neurological origin of the erect posture which led to a study in the importance of poise for learning.
He began to develop a series of movements that combined the relationship with the floor as Alexander Teacher substitute. These movements relate to the structural response to gravity as well as the reflex responses. Each position and the stages in between create the conditions where the body can recalibrate and release, lengthening into a more natural state of ease and poise.
Now at the PlayHouse in Arcata, OpenArt brings to you what is sometimes referred to as “Lazy Yoga” or “Body Meditation”. Through gradual guided practice, “the Dart Procedures” follow a natural evolution of processes to take you from the floor, to standing and beyond…